Uganda Short-term
Mission Guide

Uganda Visa Application Process
Detailed instruction Sheet (PDF)
Last update: 26 January 2023

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Prayer Concerns | Travel Tips | Ministry Issues | Health Issues
Contact Info| About Uganda | Financial Issues | Faithful Followers
Issues of Faith | Missions & The Local Church
Orphans, Women & Schools | FAQ's | ACTI Site | Useful Sites
Alpha Index | Telephones, Email, & Data Plans
How to Email a Missionary | Helps for New Christians
Uganda Photo Gallery | Original Ugandan Poetry
Good Quotes | My Favorite Places in Uganda
Water Ministry | Team Ministry Reports

Welcome to Bob's Uganda Short-term Ministry Guide. My purpose is to provide supplemental and anecdotal information from my experiences in leading short-term mission teams to the East African nation of Uganda with the Africa Christian Training Institute (ACTI). If interested, you can read a few words about my site use and web page philosophy. I am in the process of working my way through my site page by page and creating an Alphebetical Index of the entire site but this is a slow process so check back often.

Under my travel tips section I have a Packing Tips Check List with a "DETAILS" link by the items where an explanation about the recommendation can be found. A number of site visitors have found this to serve as a table of contents to help them cover all the bases in their preparation for ministry in Uganda. Also I have a Trip Preparation Time Line that is equally helpful in getting everything ready for a trip. If your team can travel any time during the year, there are travel periods when you can get better travel rates to and from the United States and Entebbe.

ACTI is the Africa Christian Training Institute, a Word and deed ministry that has worked in Uganda since 1983. It was then that Dr. Henry Krabbendam, a professor of Biblical studies at Covenant College, made a life changing trip to Uganda that was embroiled in an internal struggle for its very life. The result of this trip has been twenty-three years of ministry by ACTI with hundreds making short-term trips to share Christ, to take benevolent gifts (Bibles, books, medicines, etc.) and to generally encourage the body of Christ in Uganda.

I am often asked what sort of person should attempt such a trip. I have attempted to answer this question on my ministry issues section at Who Should Go? section.

Dr. Krabbendam and two other ACTI team members were on their way to Uganda aboard British Airways Flight 2069 in December of 2000, when a man attempted to disable the pilot and crash the aircraft. It was the two ACTI team members, Clarke Bynum and Gifford Shaw, who pulled the man off the pilot and by God's providence saved the flight. While this story was widely reported in all the media at the time, a very good account by Clarke Bynum appeared in the July 2001 issue of Guideposts, pages 43-45. Mr. Bynum died of cancer in September of 2007.

My first trip was in 1992 and like Dr. Krabbendam, I cannot stay away from Uganda and am constantly seeking others to go with me. This site is just my personal experiences and opinions and I always encourage people to talk with others as well about such an adventure. I add information regularly so check back often. If you have a specific question, please email me.

Please also remember that this page is Uganda specific with a USA point of origin. Some of the information would be different for those whose citizenship and/or point of origin is another country. If you like, you can make me aware of your visit to this site with a site visitor's email. This is for my own information only. Your email address will not be added to any list or shared with anyone else.

ACTI applications, forms, and other information are available through the Reconciliation Network's Uganda specific pages.

Contact Information

How to Email a Missionary

For those committed go with ACTI to Uganda, we provide complete contact information for ACTI in the United States and Uganda.

U.S. State Department Contact Information


The State Department can be reached at:

U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20521-0002
202-647-4000 (24 hours/day)
State Department Active Website
State Department Archival Website

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)

The US State Department has a secure, online registration site where U. S. citizens can register their overseas visits and I strongly recommend you do so, at least team leaders. This makes the U.S. Embassy personnel in Kampala aware of your travel plans in Uganda and how they might contact you in an emergency. It also saves the time and security hassle of appearing at the Embassy in person upon arrival in Kampala.

In an emergency, you would need to contact the Consular Affairs, Overseas Citizen Services (CA/OCS). Do not attempt initial contact via fax. First make voice contact so that someone at the State Department will be expecting information from you via fax. Below is a list of useful numbers:

202-647-4000 Main State Department Switchboard (24/7)
202-647-9577 or 9018 CA/OCS voice during duty hours*
202-647-5225 CA/OCS (voice menu travel information)
202-647-3732 CA/OCS fax (voice call first at 202-647-5300)
202-647-7100 Fax for CA/OCS-Africa Bureau
202-647-6453 Uganda Bureau (symbol is AF/F)

*Normal duty hours are 8:15 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (Eastern), Monday-Friday,
and 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday. To reach CA/OCS after duty hours, call
the main switchboard and ask to speak to the CA/OCS Duty Officer.

Kampala - U.S. Embassy -

U.S. Embassy Kampala
Plot 1577 Ggaba Road
P O Box 7007
Kampala, UGANDA

Numbers are direct dial from USA
011-256-414-259-794 Facsimile
General Email:
Visa Inquiries:
US Citizens Serivce:
US Embassy Kampala Consular Services
  • Duty Hours (ask for Consular Section)---------------------+256-41-259-791
  • Consular Facsimile Machine ---------------------------------+256-41-258-451
  • U.S. Citizen walk-ins (Notary & Other Consular Services)
    Monday - Thursday, 7:30 am - 2:45 pm, Friday, 7:30 am - Noon
  • Non immigrant Visa Applications, Monday - Thursday (Appointments online)

    Washington - Embassy of the Republic of Uganda

    Embassy of the Republic of Uganda
    5911 16th Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20011-2816
    202-726-1727 facsimile

    You must apply for a Uganda Entrance Visa ONLINE in advance of your trip to Uganda. I highly recommend you consult my section with completion instructions before you start the process.


    Telephones, Faxes, Email in Uganda
    When I first went to Uganda in 1992, it took half a day to find a phone that worked and then it cots $7.00 per minute to call the U.S. All of this has changed. Now everyone you see in their teenage years and up, has a mobile phone. I purchased a phone there in 2008 for $80, Korean made and still works. You can now buy phones made in China for under $20 but a couple of drops and they are gone. However, what this means is, at least one member of a team can buy a cheap phone and airtime, all for under $30 and you can call and text the U.S. A one minute call to the U.S. is less than a dime. It is easy to add airtime, Top Up as they call it. Even in remote villages you can usually find someone selling the air time cards. If you are not planning on returning to Uganda anytime soon, you can give you phone to a deserving Ugandan when you leave. In order to help fight crime, you have to register the Sim Card when you buy a phone which allows the police to trace the source of calls and text messages. All that is needed is a government issued ID, for non-Ugandans that would be your Pass Port. I would remove the SIM Card (very cheap) and keep it so someone does not involve the phone in a crime and it be traced back to you.

    All who travel to Uganda with ACTI will be given complete contact info with our folks in Uganda so your family can contact you in case of need.

    Please direct questions or problems to Webmaster.
    ©1996 - 2022 by Robert S. Hayes
    Please make me aware of any information included in this site
    without proper credit and I will correct the omission.